Friday, March 16, 2012

Post #3-Info on Saudi Arabia

Why Women’s Right In Saudi Arabia Are Still So Bad:

-Women cannot run for office in the elections, they can’t vote

-King Abdullah promised over a decade ago that he would grant women the ability to make full contributions to the nation, yet today women cannot work in most jobs

-1961-first elementary schools for girls were opened

-Adbulllah had spoken in 2005 about the need to bring out full human rights into their country

-However these promises=undermined by the conservative clerics

-Even in liberal cities, in Friday sermons preachers and clerics claim that “human rights” are for homosexuals

-These accusations for a country where homosexuality is considered wrong discredit the kind’s agenda among the conservative population

-It will be difficult for women to gain the right to vote when they still are required by law to cover their faces.

-Women are also forbidden to pursue most occupations, not allowed to drive, travel w/o male chaperones inside or outside the country, inherit at an equal rate to men

Saudi Arabia is probably the country in the Middle East that has the strongest rules and restrictions on the women who live there. There have been some steps in the right direction: better educatoin and a small conselations for them. However women in Saudi Arabia have been promised better rights, and those promises have been as empty as a dried up lake in the Sahara Desert. The country is very religous and the preachers and pastors claim that rights for women is a passage for homosexuality to become more socially acceptable, which is a big deal in Saudi Arabia. Women still have restrictions on their rights and their situation is still dire.

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